Friday, August 5, 2011

List of Metabolism video lectures

When it comes to weight loss and dieting, one word that you hear often is “metabolism.” But what is a metabolism, and how does it play a role in your weight loss goals and what is its value to you? First let me give you the commonly accepted definition of what a metabolism is.

The word metabolism is derived from the Greek language. And it means “change” or “transformation”. For our purposes of body function, metabolism is the amount of energy or calories your body burns to maintain vital functions. At every moment, be it sleeping, shopping or exercising, your body is constantly burning calories. It needs fuel just as a car needs fuel to power itself. Your metabolism is the regulator and manager of your body’s fuel.

Now here’s where it really gets interesting. Your metabolism is affected by your body composition. In plain English, this means the amount of muscle you have compared to the amount of fat you have on your body. This comparison is important because your muscle tissue burns or uses up more calories to maintain itself than fat does. That being, people who have a lot of muscle on them or mostly muscle on their frame, tend to have a higher metabolism than others who have more fat. So why should this matter to you?

List of Metabolism video lecture

1.Bioenergetics 1

2.Bioenergetics II

3. Video Intermediary Metabolism

4. Metabolism I  

5. Metabolism II



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